About Our Foundation
Supporting Our School
ACFA is the equivalent of a traditional PTA (Parent Teacher Association). However we are made up of parents and guardians of the children at Anthony Curton C of E Primary School plus friends of the School i.e. parents who's children have now moved up to High School but still wish to help support Anthony Curton. The purpose of ACFA is to provide a link between the parents and Anthony Curton C of E Primary School, to ensure a pleasant and stimulating environment is offered to the children and to provide additional resources, experiences and facilities through our events and other fundraising activities. The events which we run not only raise money for use by the school but also provide an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together.
How Do We Raise Money?
Most of our money is raised through events, including our Easter Hunt, Summer Fair and Christmas Fair. Other events include Bingos, Discos, coffee mornings and cake sales. Details of all of these will be published on our events page. In addition, we also raise funds through Easyfundraising.org.uk.
How is the money spent?
The funds raised by ACFA are intended to pay for extras which are not already provided by the school’s main income – “fun things” that make learning more interesting and exciting. The ACFA committee decides how funds should be allocated: examples include contributions towards new equipment (playground, seating, story telling area, new pe/dinner time equipment storage shed, new sensory finger board maze). Days out (High Lodge, Pantomime), Santa School visit (selection box per child), days in (Children's Entertainer), Mothers Day gifts (primroses), leavers gifts (Year 6), Sporting Event days PE Kits (School logo t-shirts, shorts, jogging bottoms, hoodies), Forest School Training, Pond creation etc. More information can be found on the 'Lets Talk Money' tab.
How can I get involved?
We are always happy to welcome new members onto the committee and would love to hear from you if you would like to join. However, we appreciate that not everyone can make this kind of commitment, so we also have plenty of roles for people who would prefer a job related to a particular event or would just like to help out as needed.
Please contact us if you want to get involved.